The Bombay High Court on Monday reserved its order on petitions filed by businessman Raj Kundra and his associate Ryan Thorpe challenging their arrest in a case related to alleged creation and streaming of pornographic content through apps. After submissions from the side of Raj Kundra and Ryan Thorpe on Monday Mumbai Police filed their side of submissions in the case where they told the court that they can’t be mute spectators if the accused does not co-operate and destroys the evidence, “If they (the accused) are trying to destroy evidence, is the investigating agency supposed to be a mere spectator? If the accused are not co-operating and are destroying evidence, then the investigating agency can’t be a mute spectator,” public prosecutor Aruna Kamat Pai said.
Reacting to recent developments via a Instagram post, Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, wife of Raj Kundra, said: “Yes! The past few days have been challenging on every front. There have been a lot of rumours and accusations. A lot of unwarranted aspersions on me cast by the media and (not so) well wishers as well… All I will say is, as it’s an on-going investigation, I have full faith in the Mumbai Police and the Indian judiciary. As a family, we are taking recourse to all our available legal remedies. But, till then, I humbly request you—especially as a MOTHER—to respect our privacy for my children’s sake and request you to refrain from commenting on half-baked information without verifying the veracity of the same.”
The police told the court that Kundra had deleted his iCloud account, but they found “68 porn videos” and a script with adult content on his laptop, as well as 51 more in digital storage.
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