The Punjab and Haryana High Court issued a setback to the Municipal Corporation Panchkula by imposing a stay on the cancellation of sites allotted to certain vendors. Additionally, the officers involved have been served a notice, reprimanding them and instructing them to respond by July 11, 2024. Meena Devi and others, represented by lawyers BS Chahal and Madhur Jangra, filed a petition stating that the Municipal Corporation had initially allocated them sites in sectors 4, 8, 10, and 15.
However, the Corporation later decided to revoke these allocations. Subsequently, Municipal Corporation staff prevented them from occupying the sites. In response, Meena Devi, VP Singh, Aman Taneja, Balkishan, Rajendra, Pravesh Kumar Sharma, Intezaar, and Chandrashekhar sought legal intervention from the High Court.
During the court proceedings, BS Chahal and Madhur Jangra strongly advocated for the vendors, alleging deliberate harassment driven by political pressure. Consequently, the court has implemented a stay order.
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