The Delhi High Court on Tuesday asked the police to file a chart detailing the role assigned to Shahrukh Pathan, who had allegedly pointed a gun at a policeman, and other accused in the 2020 northeast Delhi riots case.
The high court was hearing a bail plea filed by Pathan.
“Special public prosecutor is directed to file a chart showing roles of the accused persons, including the petitioner, and the evidence attributed to them,” Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma said.
During the hearing, Pathan’s counsel submitted that he had filed the bail plea in January 2022 and it has been pending for the last 15 months and that he has been in custody for over three years.
The counsel said the other accused in the case, who were even identified by witnesses, have been released on bail but Pathan who was neither named in the FIR nor identified by anyone was still in custody.
He claimed that no role has been attributed to him and the “entire case is a farce”.
“It is not their case that I shot the victim… examination of the main victim is complete. That is full of contradictions and there is nothing,” Pathan’s counsel submitted.
The prosecutor opposed the bail plea, saying a mobile was recovered from Pathan in jail and that he had also attacked prison staff.