Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) chief Chirag Paswan on Monday, while expressing “complete trust” in Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said that Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has failed fulfil expectations of people of Bihar and said the spirit of “double engine ki sarkar” should be followed correctly to implement the vision on the ground.
“I have complete trust in PM Narendra Modiji. The spirit with which the Prime Minister mentioned ‘doubleengine ki sarkar’ (doubleengine government), if it is followed correctly, then his vision can be implemented on the ground,” ANI quoted Chirag Paswan as saying.
Chirag also said LJP will not form an alliance with the opposition ‘Mahagathbandhan’ (grand alliance) after the Bihar elections. “We have never done a post-poll alliance. We have always been into the pre-poll alliance,” he said.
He said the benefits of development schemes have not reached the grassroots under Nitish Kumar. “We had many expectations from the present Bihar CM, but he hasn’t fared well on those counts. Today, it’s a matter of concern for me what is the Bihar CM’s idea of development. The benefits of schemes haven’t reached the grassroots,” Chirag said.
Asked if he is taking a political risk by not being part of NDA in Bihar, the LJP leader said “we have spent many years in our comfort zone” and someone has to take the risk in order to bring Bihar on the top. “If I had to choose an easier path, I would have joined the ‘gathbandhan’, but I choose the difficult path to give Bihar its due and bring back the state’s lost pride,” he said.
On being asked if he will gather votes in the name of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chirag said, “Nobody has to ask for votes in his name. I believe in him.” He further said that he is not upset with any particular person but he has always been worried about the state.
“The way developmental work should take place in Bihar, people go out of Bihar in search of jobs. This system has been continuing for so many years. We had many expectations from the Chief Minister but if you see his tenure from 2005 to 2020, he did not fulfil the expectations during this period,” he said.
With ANI input