MUMBAI: Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma starrer ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’, directed by Aditya Chopra, was a runaway blockbuster. The romantic film had a chartbuster music album, by music composers Salim and Sulaiman Merchant. On the 12th release anniversary of the film, the talented duo reveals how SRK made the songs timeless and how the mukhda of ‘Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar’ was actually an Aditya Chopra tune.
About the creative vision for the song, Sulaiman says, “The film was so well written, conceived with exact places and spots for songs and the brief was very simple. Raj and Suri (both played by SRK) were to have their distinct identities through music. It was quite a tall order coming from the legacy of Aditya Chopra and his mega-successful films with super hit songs.” Salim adds, “Composing music for ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ was a huge opportunity. We had worked with Adi as a producer but him as a director was special. We wanted this album to be memorable but more importantly, I wanted the music to work for the film.”
A lesser-known fact is that the mukhda of the song ‘Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar’ was apparently Aditya Chopra’s tune. Sulaiman reveals, “The song’s lyrics actually came from the scene that Adi had written and it ended with the dialogue ‘Taani partner, haule haule ho jayega pyaar’. Adi kept humming a rough tune to these lyrics and it sounded good, even in its basic form, so we decided to develop it further with Jaideep (Sahni) and keep the melody as simple as possible.”
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
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David Lynch passed away at 78 on January 16.