The Uttar Pradesh police announced on Thursday that six individuals, including two women and four men, have been arrested in connection with the tragic Hathras stampede that resulted in 121 fatalities. Additionally, a ₹1 lakh reward has been offered for the capture of the main suspect, Prakash Madhukar.

A stampede at a religious gathering in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, led to a devastating loss of lives on Tuesday during a ‘satsang’ dedicated to Lord Shiva in Ratibhanpur.

Bhole Baba, a revered spiritual leader from Bahadur village in Etah district’s Patiali tehsil, has garnered a significant following across India, particularly in western Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Delhi. Formerly an Intelligence Bureau (IB) employee, Bhole Baba left his government job 26 years ago to dedicate himself to delivering religious sermons.

Despite his widespread influence, Bhole Baba maintains a low profile, abstaining from social media and official accounts. His followers highlight his deep-rooted impact at the grassroots level.

In Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, Bhole Baba’s weekly programs every Tuesday attract thousands of devotees, with volunteers ensuring attendees’ needs are met, including food and beverages.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Bhole Baba continued to draw large crowds to his events, underscoring his enduring popularity and sway among devotees. This is a developing story.