Sunil Jaglan, the man behind the “Selfie with Daughter” campaign, which aimed to raise awareness about female foeticide, has claimed that his initiative has been a resounding success. Launched from his small village of Bibipur in Haryana about eight years ago, the campaign has snowballed into a global movement. Jaglan, who was the former Sarpanch of Bibipur village in Jind, had launched the initiative in June 2015, and it had drawn praise from Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who even mentioned it in his monthly ‘Mann Ki Baat’ radio address. The “Selfie with Daughter” campaign urged people to take photographs with their daughters and upload them on social media to promote gender equality and challenge social norms. The campaign gained momentum, and Jaglan created a dedicated website where people could share selfies with their daughters. He revealed that the initiative has received tremendous support from different parts of the world, with selfies pouring in from over 80 countries, including those posted by prominent personalities from the world of cinema, sports, and politics.
His efforts have had a positive impact on his native district of Jind, which used to have a terribly skewed sex ratio, but now the situation has reversed. He believes that the “Selfie with Daughter” campaign has helped bring a change in people’s mindset towards the girl child, and has contributed to the overall improvement in the sex ratio in Haryana.
Jaglan’s initiatives, including the “Digital India with Laado” campaign, have received global recognition for their impact on women empowerment. His efforts have also been recognized by various government officials and institutions, including the recent national conclave addressed by Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi.
Jaglan said that he has created an online museum where people can post selfies with their daughters. He hopes that the initiative will continue to inspire and create awareness about gender equality and women empowerment.
The success of the “Selfie with Daughter” campaign is a testament to the power of grassroots initiatives and the impact they can have in creating social change.