Haryana Higher Education and Transport Minister, Mool Chand Sharma said that the 9th IISF will be held in Faridabad, Haryana, from January 17 to January 20, 2024. This grand event will spotlight international research and advancements in the field of science, fostering insightful discussions and knowledge exchange..Sharma attended a meeting of the Department of Science and Technology in New Delhi on Wednesday, chaired by Union Minister of State for Science and Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh.Responding to queries from the media, Mool Chand Sharma emphasized the state government’s ongoing efforts to reduce air pollution. Stubble burning is actively managed, and farmers are being sensitized against this practice. He expressed concern that the Delhi Government is politicizing the issue of air pollution, which is contrary to the public interest. He highlighted that Haryana operates BS-6 buses while BS-4 buses have been discontinued in Delhi.
The Minister assured that Haryana Roadways maintains an ample fleet of BS-6 buses. Additionally, he revealed that electric buses will soon be introduced into the Haryana Roadways fleet, ensuring seamless and environmentally friendly transportation options for the people of the state. Mool Chand Sharma extended his gratitude to Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, Union Minister of State for Science and Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh, and Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal for selecting Faridabad as the host city for the International Science Festival, a significant recognition of the state’s commitment to the advancement of science and technology.