Haryana Vidhan Sabha Speaker, Gian Chand Gupta said that ATM-like vending machines will be installed in mandis and other public places to provide cloth bags to the people at a nominal cost of Rs 10 each. The Municipal Corporation, Panchkula will soon chalk out a plan for the implementation of this project.

Gupta was addressing the people after flagging off the Plastic Free Panchkula rally organized by Tri-city Eco Warriors at Suncity Parikrama, Sector-20 here today. The rally, after passing through various routes in the sector, culminated at Gate No. 2 of Suncity Parikrama. The mayor of, the Municipal Corporation Mr. Kulbhushan Goyal was also present on this occasion.

Gupta announced that he would give Rs 5 lakh from his discretionary fund to Municipal Corporation Panchkula for the implementation of the ATM project. He said that there is no paucity of funds for the public welfare works. While lauding the efforts of Mrs. Pooja Agarwal and Anuj Agarwal, founders of Tricity Eco Warriors, for organizing the Plastic Free Panchkula Rally, he said that Tri-city Eco Warriors have started Vikalp stores across the city where cloth bags are being provided to the customers at the rate of Rs 10 each on refundable basis. Once the bag is returned by the customer, he gets a refund of Rs 10.

This has provided an option of polythene to the people at no cost. On this occasion, Mr Gupta also announced to give Rs 2 lakh to Tricity Eco Warriors from his discretionary fund for further expansion of this project in Panchkula.

The Speaker said that about a year ago, he had started a campaign named “Our Seven Concerns” to create a unique identity for Panchkula, by making the city free from encroachment, slums, stray cattle, stray dogs, drugs, pollution, and plastic. He said that along with taking action at the administrative level, residents, NGOs, RWAs, other social and religious organizations, and educational institutions are also playing an important role in addressing these seven concerns. “I am happy that the volunteers of Suncity Parikrama Society are also working in a mission mode in this direction”, he added.

These volunteers not only spend three hours a day collecting polythene but also make the public aware of the adverse effects of plastic on our health, which is a commendable step. On this occasion, he called upon people to plant maximum saplings in their houses to keep the environment green and clean. He said that no program could be implemented successfully without the active participation of the people.

The Plastic Free Panchkula rally witnessed a significant participation of 17 NGOs and schools besides a large number of local residents. Students of different schools spread awareness about the ill effects of plastic with slogans “Remove polythene – save the country”.

Nukad Natak was also presented by the students of Gurukul School, Sector 20 and Solitaire International School focused on the ill effects of using polythene. Mr Gian Chand Gupta also boosted the morale of the people by participating in the rally from Gurukul School Sector 20 to Suncity Parikrama.

On this occasion, Joint Commissioner, of Municipal Corporation Dr. Richa Rathi, Mr Rama Kant Bhardwaj, BJP District Vice President Mr Umesh Sood, founders of Tricity Eco Warriors Mrs Pooja Aggarwal, and Mr Anuj Aggarwal, State President of Asma Foundation Mrs Priyanka Punia, representatives of NGOs, students and large number of residents of sector -20 were also present