Preparations have commenced for the inaugural elections of the Haryana Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee (HSGMC) scheduled for early 2024. Gurudwara Election Commissioner Justice HS Bhalla has issued a notification outlining the election timeline. As per this notification, the final publication date for the voter list has been set for January 8, 2024.
The notification specifies that the deadline for preparing the draft voter list in Hindi will span from November 17 to November 25. The timeline for translating the voter list into Punjabi has been designated from November 27 to December 5.
The draft voter list’s publication for inviting claims and objections is scheduled for December 9, with December 25 as the deadline for filing claims and objections. In December 2022, the Haryana government constituted a 38-member ad-hoc committee responsible for overseeing, managing, and acquiring all properties, including movable and immovable assets, of the 52 Gurudwaras in the state.Last year in September, the Supreme Court upheld the Haryana Sikh Gurudwara (Management) Act, 2014, thereby placing all Gurudwaras under the jurisdiction of the HSGMC.
Key dates outlined in the timeline:

  • November 17 to 25: Preparation of the voter list (Hindi)
  • November 27 to December 5: Translation of the voter list into Punjabi
  • December 9: Publication of the draft voter list
  • December 25: Deadline for filing claims and objections
  • January 3, 2024: Last date for resolving claims and objections
  • January 8, 2024: Final publication of the voter’s list”