In a recent disclosure in the Rajya Sabha, Union Finance Minister Sushil Kumar Modi revealed substantial GST evasion figures across various states. Punjab witnessed evasion amounting to Rs 481 crore, while Himachal Pradesh and UT Chandigarh reported evasions of Rs 169 crore and Rs 145 crore, respectively.
The nationwide scenario is alarming, with a cumulative detection of GST evasion cases reaching Rs 1.51 lakh crore in the current fiscal year until October. However, there has been commendable success in recovering evaded amounts. In Haryana alone, authorities have managed to recover Rs 2,908 crore in GST, with recoveries of Rs 145 crore, Rs 52 crore, and Rs 89 crore in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and UT Chandigarh, respectively.
Enforcement actions are evident as well, with 18 arrests in Haryana, three in Punjab, while no arrests have been reported in Himachal Pradesh and UT Chandigarh in connection to GST evasion during the ongoing financial year. Additionally, Minister Sushil Kumar Modi informed the Rajya Sabha about stringent measures against online gaming companies. A total of 71 show cause notices, involving a significant GST amount of Rs 1.12 lakh crore, have been issued during the financial years 2022-23 and 2023-24 up to the month of October.
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