Haryana continues to witness an acute spike in fresh cases of dengue adding to the woes of the health department. Despite the repeated efforts of the department, the scenario remains unchanged in terms of spurt in cases.

Seriousness can be gauged from the statistics that more than 4 thousands have been reported in the state so far and patients from the adjoining states continue to visit the hospitals for the treatment in the state putting extra burden.

In view of this, a cross border meeting had been organized with the health officials of the State of Himachal Pradesh on 6 June 2023 to pay attention to the highly vulnerable areas of Kalka and Parwanoo.

A cross border meeting with the State of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh and Uttar Pradesh was held on 24 April 2023 under the chairmanship of Senior Regional Director, RoHFW, Government of India, Chandigarh.

As many as 4298 cases have been reported in Haryana with an average of more than 450 cases every month. Although there is a decrease in cases compared to last year, at present the circumstances are favorable for the spread of the disease.