The Haryana Police has launched a new initiative to prevent crime against women. Under this initiative, the police are now registering women through the Dial 112 service to ensure quick contact in any emergency situation and provide immediate assistance. As part of this initiative, the police have registered the details of all auto-rickshaws in the city and assigned unique numbers. The entire data related to these numbers has been logged into their Dial 112 system.
The Dial 112 service in Haryana will now function in a renewed manner. Having earned public trust, Dial 112 will further enhance women’s safety. Women are being registered under this initiative so that their data is readily available in the Dial 112 system. In any situation, if they make contact, additional information won’t need to be provided.
SP Varun Singla explained that the Dial 112 service, in emergency situations, will maintain continuous contact if a woman says she needs to reach a destination and the route is not safe. The service will stay in contact until she reaches her destination safely. If contact is lost, the Dial 112 service will initiate the search immediately to avoid any potential crime.
Women from Bhiwani appreciated the police initiative, mentioning that it will provide them with better security and help reduce crime. The initiative aims to ensure women’s safety and offer prompt assistance during emergencies.