The final round was organized by Haryana Police and Haryana State Narcotics Control Bureau on Sunday at Government Women’s College, Sector 14, Panchkula. On this occasion, Director General of Police Shatrujit Kapoor participated as the chief guest and honored the winning participants. During this, he called upon the youth to stay away from drugs.
Expressing his views in the program, Director General of Police Shatrujit Kapoor extended his best wishes to the winning participants and said that in earlier times, there were limited means of communication; today, different technology platforms are available for communication, and there is an abundance of information available on them. He said that the objective of the hackathon is to mentally strengthen the youth through technical and non-technical platforms so that they can say ‘no’ to drugs with full confidence even in adverse circumstances. He said that there are many ups and downs in life, and the youth get addicted to drugs, but through this type of event, new ideas have been worked out so that the youth can understand their Lakshman Rekha regarding drugs. He said that by using exciting methods in the hackathon, ways have been prepared to convey the information about its side effects to the youth. He congratulated the organizers for successfully organizing the hackathon and said that soon a hackathon with a different theme will be organized by Haryana State Narcotics Control Bureau and Haryana Police. He said that the teams which did not get success this time, participated again in the next hackathon and brought their ideas. Expressing his views in the program, Additional Director General of Police HSNCB OP Singh said that through the hackathon, an effort has been made to connect the youth with the drug de-addiction campaign so that they do not become victims of drug addiction. He said that today’s era is the era of technology, and technology is an effective way to convey the message of de-addiction. During this, he also mentioned the work being done by Haryana Police regarding de-addiction.
Expressing his views in the hackathon, IG Ambala Sibash Kabiraj said that drug addiction is a big threat to our society. It was organized by Haryana Police to save youth and young children from its clutches. He said that the innovative ideas emerging in the hackathon will be implemented in the future by Haryana Police in coordination with IT companies. He also thanked the teams from across the country for making the hackathon a success. On this occasion, DP Sumer Pratap Singh expressed gratitude to the guests who had come.
The theme of the hackathon was ‘Reinventing Communication with the Youth’ in which teams from across the country presented prototypes/solutions regarding drug de-addiction.