The Haryana School Education (Amendment) Bill, 2023 has been passed in the budget session of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha held on Tuesday. The bill aims to amend the Haryana School Education Act, 1995.
In 2017-18, the majority of employees on sanctioned posts in aided schools were appointed in government schools in accordance with the Haryana Voluntary State Education Service Rules, 2017. As a result, only a few employees in these aided schools have not consented to join government schools. The Act requires the department to provide aid to these remaining employees in the form of 75% of their salary.
Employees in aided schools who work on unsanctioned or unaided posts are also demanding equal pay for equal work from the department. There are many such cases pending in court, and if they succeed, it may create financial liability for the state exchequer. The provisions for aided schools were included in the 1995 Act due to a shortage of government schools in the state at the time. Providing education to resident children is the prime responsibility of the state. However, presently, all geographical locations in the state are covered by government schools, as required by various legal provisions. Therefore, there is no need for aided schools in the state.
The passing of the Haryana School Education (Amendment) Bill, 2023 will have significant implications for aided schools and their employees in the state.