Haryana’s Minister of Home and Health, Anil Vij, took dig at Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday for not appearing before the Directorate of Enforcement. He remarked that even a chameleon doesn’t change colors as frequently as Arvind Kejriwal changes his stance.

He referred to a tweet made by Kejriwal about six to seven years ago, stating that his head bows in shame when politicians don’t respond to the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) summons. Vij questioned whether Kejriwal still holds the same stance today or if there’s been a change.

Vij’s criticism comes in the wake of Kejriwal not showing up before the Enforcement Directorate despite being summoned. The comparison to a chameleon changing colors refers to the perceived inconsistency in Kejriwal’s actions or statements over time. Vij’s remarks highlight a perceived discrepancy between Kejriwal’s earlier stance on politicians responding to investigative agencies’ calls and his present actions regarding the summons.