The Haryana government, marking nine years in the state, announced the initiation of the Antyodaya Parivar Parivahan Yojana during the Antyoday Mahasammelan held in Jila Kalanala on October 2, 2023. Central Home and Cooperation Minister Shri Amit Shah unveiled the plan, officially named the “Antyodaya Family Transportation Scheme.” The scheme aims to provide free bus travel for Antyodaya families, enhancing accessibility and reducing financial burdens on their journeys.
Under the HAPPY Yojana, eligible Antyodaya families will have the opportunity to travel cost-free on Haryana Roadways buses. This initiative particularly benefits families with three or more members, granting each member the privilege of complimentary travel. The scheme extends to cover up to 1000 kilometers of travel annually for Antyodaya families.
Minister Shah emphasized the significance of this initiative during the event, addressing the pressing need to alleviate financial constraints for Antyodaya families. Referred to as the HAPPY Yojana, the scheme aligns with the government’s commitment to welfare and inclusive policies.
The announcement received condolences from German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser in France, acknowledging the gravity of the threat posed by Islamist terrorism in the EU, further exacerbated by the ongoing conflict in Gaza and Hamas’ actions. The additional €30 million allocation for security, particularly in vulnerable areas like places of worship, underscores the European Commission’s proactive approach in addressing evolving security challenges across the European Union.