Addressing the residents of Raipurrani village Shahjahapur during the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra, State BJP’s co-media in-charge, Sanjay Ahuja, highlighted Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar’s initiative to enhance youth employment based on merit, thereby eliminating the expense and slip system. This move, according to Ahuja, has led to an increased interest in education among the youth of the state.

During the yatra, Ahuja emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring that every deserving individual benefits from both Central and State Government schemes. To facilitate this, the Vikas Bharat Yatra has been initiated as a platform for public dialogue.Welcomed enthusiastically by Sarpanch Sonia Rani and villagers upon reaching the village, Ahuja discussed the positive impact of the Ujjwala scheme, noting the provision of gas connections in every village. This initiative has directly benefited the women of the state, alleviating them from exposure to smoke. Additionally, the Prime Minister’s efforts to install toilets in every household have elevated the status of women and contributed to their well-being, bringing happiness to many households.

Ahuja, while inspecting stalls at the event, urged villagers to take advantage of government welfare schemes. Recognizing the contributions made under the Jal Jeevan Mission and by those associated with Panchayati Raj institutions, he presented citations to commendable individuals. The co-media in-charge also distributed citation certificates to beneficiaries of Family Identity Card, Old Age Pension, BPL, and PM Vandan Yojana, offering subsidy letters as a token of honor.

The day’s events continued with a public dialogue program in the evening at Samalheri village in Raipurrani block. Ranjita Mehta, the Honorary General Secretary of Child Welfare Council, participated as the chief guest. The program received a warm welcome from Sarpanch Seema Rani, BDC Chairman Satbiri Rana, and various officials.
Mehta visited stalls set up by the district administration, honoring villagers who excelled in competitions and those who contributed significantly by presenting citations. The villagers actively engaged with government welfare schemes during the event.