The Haryana government, under Chief Minister Manohar Lal’s leadership, is being commended for its initiatives towards women’s empowerment. Initiatives like the nationwide ‘Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao’ campaign, started by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, have seen significant efforts from the government to ensure its success. Several crucial decisions have been made to educate and support girls. Through the Labour Welfare Department, families of female students pursuing undergraduate education receive a financial incentive of ₹50,000 to purchase electric scooters.
Deputy Commissioner Captain Shakti Singh mentioned that this scheme is exclusively for students whose parents are laborers and have registered with the Labour and Welfare Department. Additionally, the student must be enrolled in college, and the application is made through the family’s registration ID.Singh emphasized the government’s belief that educating one daughter illuminates at least two families and contributes to societal advancement. He highlighted the necessity of educating girls, noting that an educated society is crucial for national progress.The government is establishing government colleges every 20 kilometers to facilitate girls’ access to education without traveling far. They’re also arranging reliable transportation for girls to reach colleges, ensuring their education isn’t hindered. Encouraging families to support their daughters’ education, Singh urged them to promote interests in sports or any field of choice. He emphasized that women across various sectors are glorifying the nation through their hard work and dedication. Singh stressed the importance of collective effort in empowering daughters, as no field exists today where women, through their diligence, are not making the nation proud, along with their families.