Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal has granted significant relief to the state’s 3.5 lakh employees on the completion of nine years of the government. The announcement includes a 4% increase in Dearness Allowance (DA), raising it from the existing 42% to 46%. The Chief Minister declared that arrears from July to September will be disbursed in December. Additionally, he commemorated Sushasan Divas, celebrated on December 25, and marked the occasion by inaugurating the Chief Minister’s window, which has successfully addressed over 13 lakh complaints since its inception.
Reflecting on the challenges faced when the government took charge in 2014, the Chief Minister emphasized the significant improvements made despite initial adversity. He highlighted the government’s commitment to overcoming challenges and delivering on promises, leading to a 3% increase in vote share in 2019.
Furthermore, the Chief Minister acknowledged the successful use of technology in government departments, particularly in addressing corruption and facilitating the transfer of around Rs. 85,000 crore to farmers’ accounts for their produce. He emphasized the transformative impact of technology in not only curbing malpractices but also paving the way for new avenues of development.
Manohar Lal, drawing on his 40 years of public service, expressed gratitude for the public’s support in overcoming challenges and achieving progress, contributing to the state government’s accomplishments over the past nine years.