Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, while taking a step forward towards digitally empowering the beneficiaries, announced on Wednesday that three services have been brought on the IT platform. These include Pro-active Divyang Pension Service, ‘Tau se pucho’, whatsapp chat bot and online room booking facility at PWD (B&R) rest houses. While addressing the press conference, he said that these three IT initiatives are certainly going to prove a milestone in the State Government’s vision of paperless and transparent governance.
Divulging the details about Pro-active Divyang Pension Service, the Chief Minister said that reiterating the state government’s commitment to deliver all government services at the beneficiaries’ doorsteps, the government has decided to give automated pension benefits to Persons With Disabilities (PwDs). He further shared that data of PwDs having more than 60 percent disability that is available with the Parivar Informatics Data Repository will be certified by the Haryana Parivar Pehchan Authority every month. “The data of all such PWDs found eligible after verification (as per the eligibility criteria prescribed by the scheme) will be shared with the SEWA Department,” informed Khattar.
He further informed that the District Officer of the SEWA Department will contact all such beneficiaries and take their consent getting the pension benefits. If all such beneficiaries give their consent, pension benefits will start from next month, informed the Chief Minister.
He also said that in today’s time, answering various queries raised by the citizens personally becomes a herculean task. Therefore, making a digital shift, the Haryana Parivar Pehchan Authority has created a WhatsApp bot called ‘Tau Se Pucho’ along with Web Based Chatbot Solution.
‘Tau Se Pucho’ bilingual chat bot is integrated with WhatsApp and is designed to give quick responses to the queries raised by the citizens. This IT platform will be easily accessible to everyone and the user will be able to communicate easily on this platform while sitting at their home only and without any extra effort or cost. Along with citizens, this platform will also save the government’s time. Analytical study of the queries received will certainly prove to be helpful in the process of resolving complaints and resolution, “shared the Chief Minister. He also said that on this chatbot, citizens can raise queries regarding status of various data fields as well as services like income, marriage registration, public distribution system, ration card, caste, pension and grievance.
“The families can interact with the integrated Tau se Pucho WhatsApp bot to seek advice on the application process, documents required, eligibility, government regulations and benefits of various programmes”, he said. While launching the portal for room booking at PWD (B&R) rest houses, he said that now all rest houses can be booked online by Government officials as well as private people.
Sharing the features of online rest house booking, the Chief Minister said that through this portal, applicants can now check room availability, book a room, make online payment of booking amount, cancel booking and print booking slip and to avail this service, the applicant will have to pay the full amount online at the time of booking only.
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