As the political landscape in Haryana gears up for the 2024 Vidhan Sabha elections, the state government is facing potential turmoil from its disgruntled employees associated with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The root cause of their discontent lies in the government’s persistent neglect of their long-pending demands, which has prompted the Haryana State Employees Federation to strategize and vocalize their concerns.
In a pivotal meeting held in Rohtak today, the Haryana State Employees Federation outlined its course of action, particularly in response to the government’s indifferent stance toward their prolonged demands. The meeting served as a prelude to the upcoming rally scheduled for December 12 in Karnal, where government employees plan to voice their grievances and, if necessary, escalate their protest.
District President Jogendra Balhara and Secretary Vijender Guliya of the Haryana State Employees Federation revealed that the impending rally is a culmination of months of unaddressed demands. Despite multiple discussions with key figures, including the Chief Minister and various ministers, the government has failed to provide a substantive response to their concerns. The federation highlighted several unresolved issues, including the regularization of temporary employees, full implementation of the Ex Gratia Scheme, reinstatement of the old pension scheme, and the recruitment of personnel to fill vacant positions.Balhara and Guliya underscored that their efforts to engage in constructive dialogues with government officials have yielded minimal results, with assurances being the predominant response. Frustrated by the lack of concrete action, the federation announced their intent to intensify their protest if their demands continue to fall on deaf ears.The focal points of their demands include the regularization of temporary employees, a comprehensive implementation of the Ex Gratia Scheme, the restoration of the old pension scheme, and the recruitment of new personnel to address existing vacancies.