CHANDIGARH: Amid the third Covid wave scare, in a bid to strengthen health services, the Haryana government got 100 new ambulances for patient transportation so that people residing in remote areas can get timely access to the hospitals. According to the available information, the department had given the nod to purchase 188 ambulances and out of which the above has been purchased. Besides, 47 mobile Mobile Medical Units will be purchased and for the same, the process has been initiated by the National Health Mission (NHM) Haryana.

Prior to this, the state health fleet owns 438 ambulances and in addition to this, would be a fruitful step as the experts continue to warn regarding the possibility of the third wave of Covid-19. It is pertinent to mention that rest of the ambulances have to be purchased under Atal Vahini Janani Sewa Scheme too and an amount for the same has been sanctioned in a departmental meeting recently.

Informing regarding the above- mentioned, Dr Sube Singh, Deputy Director, NHM, Haryana, said that ambulance services played a vital role in the battle against fatal coronavirus pandemic as these paved paths for timely treatment as well as access to health institutions across the state. To ensure the best health facilities, the department has come up with a plan to purchase new ambulances in two categories namely for patient transportation and medical mobile units.