Haryana Education Minister Kanwar Pal said that in order to reduce mental pressure over students, state Board of School Education will reduce the syllabus of the students studying in classes IX to XII in the present academic session of 2020-2021. The Minister said that the schools remained closed across the country and state during the lockdown amid Covid-19 pandemic due to which holding of regular classes in the classrooms was not possible, although the State Government has made adequate arrangements to impart online education. In order to reduce mental pressure on students, now the State Government has decided to reduce the syllabus for the academic session 2020-21 in schools affiliated to the Board of School Education Haryana following the pattern of CBSE.Mr Kanwar Pal said that to reduce the syllabus, the State Government has instructed the Board of School Education, Haryana to set up a Committee by coordinating with SCERT Gurugram and to put up the proposal within a week after exploring all possibilities in this regard. He said that till now the syllabus that has been taught online to the students of IX to XII classes should also be included in the syllabus, so as to benefit the students. The Education Minister said that the State Government does not wish to put academic pressure on the students, and wants to continue imparting necessary education, therefore there will be reduction in syllabus for the students studying in classes IX to XII.
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