The Sports Department of Haryana is set to launch the inaugural Haryana CM’s Cup, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at engaging youth in sports and steering them away from substance abuse.

The Principal Secretary of the Sports and Youth Affairs Department, Navdeep Singh Virk, conducted a video conferencing meeting with District Deputy Commissioners to provide essential guidelines for the successful execution of the tournament.

This CM’s Cup is the first of its kind, designed to positively channel the energy of rural youth, integrate sports into their lifestyle, and deter them from vices such as drug abuse. Virk emphasized the need for maximum youth participation in the event.

The CM Cup will feature six team sports—football, handball, basketball, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, and volleyball—open to youth aged 14 to 23. The competitions will be organized at block, district, division, and state levels. The schedule includes block-level games from February 28 to March 3, district-level games on March 5, divisional-level games on March 7, and state-level games on March 9. At the state level, the gold, silver, and bronze medal-winning teams will receive cash prizes of Rs 2 lakh, Rs 1.5 lakh, and Rs 1 lakh, respectively.
Interested teams can register on the department’s website until 6 pm on February 26. Alternatively, registration can be completed by scanning the provided QR code.

Notably, these games are open to youth aged 14 to 23 from any district or block, with participants required to submit age certification.

Stadiums have been designated for hosting sports events in all four sectors of the district, as discussed in a video conferencing meeting attended by Municipal Commissioner Mannat Rana at the Mini Secretariat auditorium. Rana mentioned that the selected stadiums are spread across the four blocks of Panchkula district, namely Pinjore, Raipurrani, Morni, and Barwala.

Rana assured that all necessary preparations will be completed on time to ensure the successful organization of the CM Cup. Adequate facilities such as drinking water, toilets, and first aid will be arranged at the sports stadiums.