Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal tested positive for novel coronavirus on Monday. The minister wrote on Twitter that his Covid-19 test reports have come out positive and urged all his colleagues, associates and close contacts, who came in contact with him over the last week, to get themselves tested and move into strict quarantine.
Earlier in the day, the state Assembly speaker and 2 BJP MLAs had tested positive for Covid-19. State home minister Anil Vij told the media that Speaker Gian Chand Gupta and 2 MLAs (Aseem Goel and Ram Kumar) have tested positive for coronavirus.
The latest developments come 2 days ahead of the monsoon session. Considering the spread of Covid-19 in the state, the state speaker had earlier made it mandatory for all ministers, including chief minister; to produce a Covid-19 negative report.
Manohar Lal had decided to self-isolate after meeting Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, who tested Covid-19 positive last week.
As the total Covid-19 count in India surpasses 31 lakh mark, the total number of coronavirus cases in Haryana have reached 54,386, including 44,822 recovered cases and 603 deaths.
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Kate later took to Instagram to share that her cancer was in remission.