On Friday Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar presented state budget taking into account all stakeholders. CM Manohar Lal has emphasised in an interview with TDG that as in all his previous budgets, this fifth budget too is focused on economically weaker section of the society.
“The budget is made in order to bring the people belonging to the economically weaker sections forward by giving them opportunities. This budget parameters are such that it has prioritised women empowerment, youth, farmers and the povertystricken. The main highlight of the current budget is to make women ‘Lakhpati’.
When asked about the challenges of making the budget which allocates finances for certain people in the same platform as everybody, Manohar Lal says, “We never make budget in order to appease people, hence, never face any challenges as such. Our budget is need-based rather than demand-based. Other governments before this focused on demands. Even we get demands. But we see who needs it most. So we face no conflict. Even the opposition agrees this budget is a good budget. We follow the motto Haryana Ek Haryanvi Ek.”
Manohar Lal told TDG, “My intention for the future of Haryana is that people become prosperous and get justice.”
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