Chief Minister, Manohar Lal said that all ‘the Block Development and Panchayat Officers (BDPOs) should hold meetings with the Gram Sachivs and Sarpanches of their respective areas for preparing the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) and upload it on the portal at the earliest. He announced that according to the requirement, government houses for BDPOS will be built at the block level in the state.
The Chief Minister was interacting with the newly appointed batch of Block Development and Panchayat Officers at Haryana Niwas there on Monday.
He motivated the officers to work in an honest and transparent manner. A total of 46 BDPOs have been selected in the batch of the year 2023. These include MBBS doctors, MTech, MSc, law degree holders, besides officers of central services. Discussing the developmental schemes of the state government with the newly appointed BDPOs, the Chief Minister said, “It is your turn to introduce your talent by implementing them in a transparent and honest manner.” He also motivated them to work neutrally in co- ordination with the Panchayat Samiti and Gram Panchayat.
Talking about the priorities of the state government at the village level, the Chief Minister said that works like cleaning of ponds, maintenance work under Shivdham yojana, construction of parks-cum vyayamshalas and wellness centres are being done in the villages and all the newly appointed Block Development Panchayat Officers should efficiently carry out their tasks in this regard.
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