Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal inaugurated and laid down various development projects worth Rs 1411 crore including education, health, sports, strengthening road connectivity, water, and power in 22 districts of the state. This includes the inauguration of 80 projects worth Rs 475 crore and laying foundation stones of 83 projects worth Rs 935 crore. It is worth mentioning that Rohtak, Jind and Jhajjar which are known as Jatland got the maximum projects which indicate that the BJP-JJP led government continues to focus on Bhupender Singh Hooda’s bastion.
The Chief Minister dedicated three projects worth Rs 332.34 crore to the people of Jhajjar district. Out of these, Manohar Lal inaugurated two projects worth Rs 27 crore and laid the foundation stone of one project amounting to Rs 305.34 crore. A total of 33 developmental projects worth Rs 145.73 crore were dedicated to the people of Jind district. Out of these, Manohar Lal inaugurated nine projects worth Rs 27.82 crore and laid foundation stones of 24 other projects amounting to Rs 117.91 crore.
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