Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal celebrated his 70th birthday by launching the Mukhyamantri Tirth Darshan Yojana, a state-sponsored pilgrimage initiative for senior citizens. The scheme commenced in Panchkula, with the first batch of 200 senior citizens departing on a fully-funded trip to Ayodhya from 5 May to 8 May.
The Chief Minister flagged off the buses carrying the elderly passengers, who will travel to Ambala Cantt before boarding a train to Ayodhya. The Haryana government will cover the travel expenses for the senior citizens participating in the program.
Manohar Lal announced that the Mukhyamantri Tirth Yojana, initially launched in Panchkula, will be extended across the entire state. The program aims to provide pilgrimage opportunities for residents aged 60 and above. He praised the ongoing construction of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, stating that the temple will inspire future generations and help promote unity and integrity in the country.
In addition to launching the pilgrimage program, the Chief Minister spent his birthday at Shishu Greh, an orphanage run by the Haryana State Council for Child Welfare. He encouraged the children to focus on their education and presented them with gifts.
During his visit, Manohar Lal inquired about the facilities and programs offered at Shishu Greh, including the virtual classroom for children in grades 6 to 10, which currently serves 50 students.
The event was attended by various officials, including Vidhan Sabha Speaker Gian Chand Gupta, who expressed gratitude for the Mukhyamantri Tirth Yojana. The Chief Minister also received birthday wishes and a portrait of his mother from Ranjeeta Mehta, the honorary general secretary of the Haryana State Council for Child Welfare.
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