The proposal from Haryana BJP for simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly elections has been rejected, leading to separate polls. Speculations have been halted, with potential Lok Sabha elections in April-May and the Haryana Assembly’s term extending until October. The Election Commission can conduct them simultaneously with a six-month gap. In preparation, BJP and other parties have geared up for elections after recent victories in three states.

Haryana BJP is striving to win all 10 Lok Sabha seats, hence maintaining no slack in the preparations for Lok Sabha elections. A senior BJP leader stated that in this regard, CM Khattar had discussions with BJP’s national president JP Nadda, Home Minister Amit Shah, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. All three senior leaders clarified that Haryana Assembly elections would be held as scheduled. Following the High Command’s orders, Haryana BJP has opened offices for the ten constituencies and initiated a vigorous campaign.