Haryana BJP has surrounded Rajya Sabha member Deependra Hooda over the mimicking incident of the Vice President outside the Parliament House. Haryana BJP shared a video on social media (X)and wrote that ‘While the Vice President, who comes from a farmer and Jat family, was being made fun of, Deependra Hooda was standing there laughing.’

Haryana Agriculture Minister JP Dalal has also targeted the opposition on social media. He said that by making fun of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, a farmer’s son who holds the second highest post in India, the dynastic opposition has made fun of the entire ‘farmer society’. Being a farmer’s son, I was personally saddened by this shameful video. The farmer will definitely answer them when the time comes.

Following the suspension of MPs from Parliament, protests ensued against this action. Subsequently, a TMC MP, who had been suspended, imitated the Vice President, a video of which was recorded by Rahul Gandhi. BJP has consistently targeted TMC, Rahul Gandhi, and Congress over this incident.

Now its video has been made viral by the Haryana BJP team. In this video, Deependra Hooda has been directly targeted. In which an attempt has been made to solve the political equation by describing the Vice President as a farmer and from a Jat family.
Meanwhile, Congress leaders Randeep Surjewala, Kiran Chaudhary and Kumari Selja termed the suspension of so many MPs from Parliament as disappointing. Whereas BJP also burnt the effigies of Rahul Gandhi, Mamata Banerjee and the mimicking MP.