In Haryana, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) closely monitored lavish Diwali gifts, leading to state bureaucrats distancing themselves from individuals presenting extravagant presents in their offices. A strict ‘no entry’ policy for gift bearers was enforced in both the secretariat and state offices. Unlike the previous trend of long queues of people offering gifts in government offices, this time, many officers and employees outright declined such offerings. Employees were observed bidding farewell to individuals attempting to present gifts outside officers’ quarters.
The Director General of Police (DGP) banned the entry of people coming with gifts into the police headquarters located in Sector 6, Panchkula. Individuals arriving with gifts were halted at the entrance and were turned away without their offerings being accepted. Employees conveyed that this directive stemmed from Police Chief Shatrujit Kapoor. Furthermore, numerous officers preferred not to engage with those presenting gifts. Consequently, police personnel were stationed at the gate to enforce the strict no-entry policy. On the same lines, there was a ban on people bringing gifts in many offices including Haryana Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB), State Women Commission, Aaykar Bhawan, National Health Mission. This is the first time that this time the police and general staff deployed at government offices in Panchkula and Chandigarh are returning those who brought gifts. They have a simple order not to accept any gifts or boxes.
In Haryana, ACB has tightened its grip on IAS, HCS and police officers of the state. A large number of corrupt officials and employees have been arrested red-handed with bribes. 140 corruption cases were registered by the Bureau within 10 months.The Bureau team has arrested 31 gazetted officers, 149 non-gazetted officers and 30 individuals from the private sector for taking and giving bribes in between January to October 31. The 49 police officers were arrested for taking bribes , these include the names of people who took bribes ranging from Rs 2 thousand to Rs 1 lakh.
On an average, every month 5 police officers and employees are caught taking bribes. The Bureau team had arrested 21 gazetted, 140 non-gazetted officers and 26 private people. During the same period in the year 2021, the Bureau had arrested 8 gazetted officers, 40 non-gazetted officers and 49 private people.