Gujarat Youth Congress Vice President Nikhil Savani has split with the Congress, sources said. Nikhil claims that like his elder brother, Hardik Patel’s position in Congress is not good. On the other hand, he has accused the Youth Congress of massive corruption in the elections. Amidst the sensational allegation that no one gives importance to Hardik in the party, Congress said that a person who has been in the party for two-four years has not made any contribution just after getting the post.

Some leaders of the Youth Congress and NSUI have now come face to face. Nikhil Savani has said that there is a controversy within the Congress and the acting president Hardik Patel is not being treated properly.

Savani has accused the leaders of his own party of conspiring to end the political career of Hardik Patel, the working president of the state. Savani said that factionalism is at its peak in Gujarat Congress and Congress leaders are conspiring to end the political career of party’s working president Hardik Patel. They allege that the party runs membership campaigns only to collect money. Elections for NSUI and Youth Congress President are also won on the basis of money, he alleged. He alleges that in Congress it is the tradition of the king’s son to become the king. The common worker is not allowed to progress.

Nikhil Savani was earlier in the BJP. After that, Nikhil, who was close to the Surat businessman, defected to the Congress and got the post as he was close to Hardik. Meanwhile, he had also given tickets to his wife Donica in the corporation elections, but sources said that Nikhil had suddenly split again after splitting with Congress.

Amid the allegations, Youth Congress leader Parthiv Rajsinh Kathwadia from the Congress said that the people were adopting a strategy of blackmailing by telling lies. Those who are alleging have only taken from the party itself, but given nothing to the party.

Abhijit Bhatt

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