In a shocking incident, a young farmer from Telangana has committed suicide alleging that Sarpanch and a forest officer destroyed his crop. Unable to bear the death, his mother has also consumed pesticide, ending her life. The double suicide occurred within a span of few hours.
The incident took place in Devlapally village of the Kowdapally taluka of the Medak district. The incident is reported to have taken place on Saturday.
Jink Srisailam, a poor farmer, has been complaining for long about the harassment by the Sarpanch of the village and the forest officer of that area. It is said that Srisailam was being pressurised for handing over his land for a ‘Nature Park’. This was strongly resisted by Srisailam.
When Srisailam’s mother visited the farm, she was devastated to see her son lying down. Unable to bear the pain of the death of her son, she consumed the remaining pesticide in that bottle and both of them died within hours.
Srisailam shot a selfie video before committing suicide. In this video, he alleged that he was being harassed by the Sarpanch of the village and the forest officer to give his land for the ‘Nature Park’ project. He said that he had invested Rs 50000 to grow the chili crop on his five-acre farm. Before Srisailam could come to his farm, the JCB machines destroyed his crop.
The Sarpanch and forest officer allegedly destroyed his crop with earth-moving equipment when he was not present on the farm. According to the local media, Srisailam had a heated debate with those people when he saw the JCB machine has destroyed his crop.
He said in the video that he expects justice to be done to his daughter and son after his death. At the end of the video, he is seen consuming pesticides.