MUMBAI: Kangana Ranaut on Tuesday said she is more than happy to get a drug test done and if found guilty, will leave Mumbai forever after Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh ordered a probe for alleged drug consumption. Kangana took to Twitter and shared a small clip of a news report that stated Mumbai Police would be probing the actress for reportedly using drugs. Kangana in her tweet said, “I am more than happy to oblige @MumbaiPolice, @ AnilDeshmukhNCP please do my drug tests investigate my call records if you find any links to drug peddlers ever I will accept my mistake and leave Mumbai forever, looking forward to meet you.” In an interview, Adhyayan Suman, the son of Shekhar Suman, who had a relationship with her, had made certain statements that Kangana Ranaut used to take drugs. While on the other side Kangana had accused film personalities of consuming drugs, some actors have also alleged that she herself was on drugs.
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Police vehicles, sirens blaring, patrolled the areas between the starting points.
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