MUMBAI: Hansal Mehtas directorial ‘Omerta’ was released three years ago on Tuesday. He talked about the film and said Rajkummar Rao’s performance stands tall among their projects together. Hansal shared the poster on Instagram of the film and wrote: “3 years of #Omerta. A film I’m super proud of. A performance by Raj that stands tall in our work together.”
‘Omerta’ is a biographical crime drama that had Rajkummar essaying Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, British terrorist of Pakistani descent. The film revolves around the 1994 kidnappings of Westerners in India.
Mehta had helmed ‘Scam 1992’ last year. He will be directing its second instalment ‘Scam 2003: The Curious Case Of Abdul Karim Telgi’.
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