AIADMK minister D. Jayakumar has accused actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan of appeasing Hindus over his remarks about the Mahabharata in a Tamil reality TV show ‘Bigg Boss’. Kamal Haasan has recently spoken about the Mahabharata in the show with the reference to the novel written by his friend. Jayamohan.

Kamal Haasan said, “Don’t think why he is speaking about Mahabharata, it is simply not about mystical stories or stories about Gods. It is about the history of our ancestors and information about the culture of the people.”

On reacting to a specific question on Kamal Haasan’s remarks on the Mahabharata and calling it the history of ancestors, Jayakumar called it Hindu appeasement ahead of the 2021 elections. “Kamal is suddenly speaking about Mahabharata only to secure votes of one community ahead of elections,” he said, adding: “No one can understand what Kamal says as he keeps changing his stand.”

Political analysts say that the remarks made by Kamal Haasan should be just seen as stage speech and observe that the actor has always been critical against these beliefs and observed that it is the same Kamal Haasan who said: “saffron is not my colour.”

During the Makkal Nidhi Maiam’s executive council meeting, Kamal Haasan was given all the powers to decide whether to face the election alone or join hands with the like-minded parties.