Manju Vyas, one of five Hindu women whose request for daily prayer in the Gyanvapi masjid in Uttar Pradesh has been approved by the Varanasi district court, and told reporters on Monday: “Bharat is happy… and my Hindu brothers and sisters should light diyas to celebrate.”
In a 47-second video posted by the news agency, Vyas can be heard shouting with joy and chanting “Har Har Mahadev” before beginning to clap and dance.
“It is a win for Hindus… the next hearing is on September 22. It’s a foundation stone for the Gyanvapi temple,” Sohan Lal Arya, another petitioner, said.
The Anjuman Committee’s appeal against the Hindu worshippers’ request for authorization to conduct daily worship of Hindu deities in the Gyanvapi mosque was dismissed by district judge AK Vishvesha minutes earlier.
On Monday, the Varanasi District Court ruled that the Gyanvapi Mosque case is maintainable and the five Hindu women’s arguments for the right to pray in the mosque will be heard. The well-known Kashi Viswanath temple is near the Gyanvapi mosque.
The Muslim party’s petition was denied by the court, which declared the case to be maintainable. According to Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain, who is the district court’s representative for the Hindu side, the case’s next hearing is scheduled for September 22.
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