In preparation for the upcoming elections of the Haryana Gurdwara Sikh Management Committee, Returning Officer and Sub-Divisional Officer Kalka Nisha has announced measures to rectify errors in the voter list. Claim forms 1, 2, and 3, as well as objection forms, are now being accepted from both urban and rural voters. The submission deadline for these forms is January 3, 2024.
According to Nisha, voters can directly submit their claim and objection forms or send them via email to until the specified deadline. Additionally, Municipal Council offices are designated for registration purposes. ME Darshan Singh registrations are being accepted at the Municipal Council office in Wards 1 to 15, Kalka, while ME Municipal Council Kalka registrations are processed at the Municipal Council office in Wards 16 to 31, Pinjore.
Nisha further clarified that voters in rural areas of Tehsil Kalka should approach the respective Patwar of their area. For voters in all villages within Tehsil Kalka, contact with the Village Secretary of their area is advised. Alternatively, forms can be submitted at the office of the Panchayat Officer Pinjore.
For any inquiries or submissions via email, the specified address is, and the deadline for all submissions is January 3, 2024.