Inspired by the Deputy Commissioner Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal, 636 villages in Gurdaspur district have pledged to eradicate substance abuse from their villages during the year 2024 on the occasion of the New Year. Deputy Commissioner Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal stated that 636 panchayats in the district have taken a resolution against substance abuse on the first day of the new year, committing to make their villages completely drug-free and contribute to the Punjab government’s anti-drug campaign.
He mentioned that among the 136 panchayats of Kahnuwan Block, the highest number of proposals against substance abuse have been received. Additionally, 50 panchayats each from Gurudaspur Block, Dera Baba Nanak Block, Dorangla Block, Batala Block, Kalanaur Block, Fatehgarh Churian Block, Sri Hargobind Sahib Block, and Dhariwal Block have passed proposals against substance abuse.
The Deputy Commissioner stated that on the occasion of the New Year, 636 panchayats in the district have pledged to make their villages completely drug-free and the district administration will extend all possible support. He mentioned that the district administration will provide treatment and rehabilitation to youth trapped in the drug circle. Vocational training will also be provided to the youth to help build a better future for themselves.
Congratulating the panchayats participating in the initiative, the DC mentioned that through such efforts, they can rid the district and the state of the menace of substance abuse. He highlighted that these efforts in Gurdaspur district would prove crucial in making Punjab a prosperous state. He also urged the remaining panchayats in the district to commit to completely eliminating substance abuse from their villages on the occasion of the New Year.”