On a severe cold note, the new year has started in Madhya Pradesh and said till 4 January the mercury to remains below 10 degrees Celsius. The meteorologist on Monday said, in Guna 5.6 degrees Celsius was recorded. “As it was predicted in the past that the first week of January 2023, especially from January 1 to 4, the cold wave will remain in the entire state. On the basis of that, today, the temperature in the entire state will remain less than 10 degrees in the state,” Bhopal meteorologist HS Pandey said. “Fog engulfed the northeastern part of Madhya Pradesh though it is not very dense and it will be clear in around two to three hours. On the other hand, the parts of Gwalior and Rewa division are engulfed with dense fog and it may take three to four hours to get clear,” Pandey stated.
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