In connection with a clash that erupted during a Ganesh Puja procession a total of 13 people have been detained. The incident took place in the Panigate area in Gujarat’s Vadodara on Monday.

The police on Monday said, currently the situation is peaceful. Meanwhile, the investigation by the police has started.

“Clash erupted between two groups during a Lord Ganesh procession in Vadodara yesterday. The situation is peaceful in the Panigate area. I appeal to the public to not pay heed to rumors. Police are investigating the matter,” Chirag Kordiya, Joint Commissioner of Police, Vadodara Police said.

Earlier this year, on the occasion of Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti in several parts of the country clashes, broke out between two communities.

Moreover, on 16 April 2021 clashes broke out between Jahangir Puri in New Delhi including in the state of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Madhya Pradesh on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti.

However, during the clashes stones were pelted at devotees in which several people got injured in several states.