On Thursday morning, Gujarati counterpart Bhupendra Patel and Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami met at the latter’s official residence in Gandhinagar. On a two-day visit to Ahmedabad, the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand paid a visit to the famous Atal foot overbridge that links the eastern and western sections of the Sabarmati Riverfront on Wednesday night. Dhami said that the bridge is a unique example of contemporary technology and that both its stunning structure and the beauty of Sabarmati draw tourists. Better plans have also been made for people’s mobility in relation to this.
The Uttarakhand Chief Minister was briefed by the Project Head of Atal Bridge. CM Dhami also instructed Secretary Vinay Shankar Pandey to explore the possibilities of building a bridge on the lines of the Atal Bridge in Uttarakhand.
During this, he also met tourists from different states who had arrived to see the Atal Bridge.
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