Gujarat’s Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel visited the families who had been affected by the torrential rains on Saturday. Beginning on 1 July, the Meteorological department expects a decrease in rainfall intensity. Amit Shah, the home minister, spoke with the chief minister earlier today about the flood-like circumstances brought on by the nonstop rain and promised help from the central government. In Gujarat, many rivers and waterways are overflowing, causing a number of areas to be submerged.
A video of the overflowing Vanthali Ozat Viar Dam in Junagarh from heavy rainfall in the region surfaced on social media. Another video of the Gira waterfall on the overflowing Ambika River in the Dang district also made rounds of social media.
However, the Gira waterfall also made for a breathtaking sight, drawing tourists from far and near. Many were seen capturing the sight in the lenses. Kalwa River in Junagarh was also overflowing, affecting normal life in the region.
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