The Finance Minister, Kanu Desai on Friday presented the Gujarat Budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024 in the State Assembly, while giving a big push to infrastructure facilities. Desai in his third consecutive budget, announced to spend around Rs. 5 lakh crore in the next 5 years for creating world-class infrastructure facilities in the state.
In his statement, Desai said that the better infrastructure will attract new investments and business leading to an increase in productivity and competitiveness. He also claimed that it will ultimately lead to a better standard of living.
In addition, he also announced a provision of Rs. 5,950 crore for Narmada Project, which as per him, will proved to be a boon for the people and economy of Gujarat. Furthermore, a provision of Rs 2,500 crore has been made for strengthening the rural infrastructure, as well as Rs 1,391 crore under MNREGA, Rs 932 crore under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and Rs 220 crore for Pradhanmantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana.
Besides this, a provision of Rs 1,066 crore has been made to achieve the target of providing houses to approximately 1 lakh people during the next year.
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