Mumbai’s GSB Seva Mandal, recognized as the wealthiest Ganesh mandal in the city, has once again set a new record by securing a massive Rs 400.58 crore insurance policy for its upcoming Ganeshotsav celebration. The festival, which will take place from September 7 to 11, marks the 70th annual Ganeshotsav for the mandal, held at King’s Circle.
Unprecedented Insurance Coverage
The extensive insurance policy, issued by New India Assurance, covers a wide range of aspects associated with the festival, ensuring comprehensive protection. While the exact premium paid for the policy remains undisclosed, the mandal’s chairman, Amit Pai, shared a detailed breakdown of the coverage.
The largest portion of the insurance, totaling Rs 325 crore, is allocated for personal accident cover. This coverage extends to volunteers, cooks, service personnel, valet parking and security staff, as well as stall workers involved in the event.
Additionally, Rs 43.15 crore has been set aside for an all-risk policy, which covers potential theft of the gold, silver, and jewellery used during the festival. Another Rs 2 crore has been dedicated to a standard fire and special peril policy, including earthquake risk coverage for festival essentials such as furniture, fixtures, computers, CCTV cameras, QR scanners, and utensils.
Public liability cover for pandals, stadiums, and devotees amounts to Rs 30 crore, providing protection against any potential incidents. Moreover, Rs 43 lakh is reserved for a fire and special peril policy that safeguards the venue premises.
The Grand MahaGanpati Idol
The centerpiece of the festival, the GSB MahaGanpati idol, is set to be unveiled on September 5. This idol, crafted from shadu mati (clay) and grass in a traditional South Indian style, is adorned with an impressive 66 kg of gold ornaments and 325 kg of silver.
A Celebration of Devotion and Charity
During the five-day festival, the mandal will conduct continuous pujas and annadaan (food donation), serving meals to approximately 20,000 people daily and over 1,00,000 people throughout the event. The mandal has a rich history of devotion and charity, as demonstrated in 2023 when they secured a previous record insurance cover of Rs 360.40 crore.
With this year’s record-breaking insurance policy, GSB Seva Mandal continues to set the standard for grandeur and meticulous planning in the celebration of Ganeshotsav, ensuring that every aspect of the festival is well-protected and cherished by the thousands of devotees who will participate.
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