Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said that the State Government has started the CM window in a bid to ensure that the people of the state do not have to make frequent rounds to Chandigarh to resolve their problems. Under this system, about 10.5 lakh complaints have been redressed so far. “Taking a step further towards ensuring timely redressal of every grievance raised by the citizens, the State Government has started another unique initiative ‘Jan Samvad’ to resolve the grievances of people at their doorstep,” said CM Manohar Lal while addressing the gathering at Jan Samvad Programme held in Hisar on Sunday.
He said that the complaints raised in these Jan Samvad programmes would be uploaded on the Jan Samvad portal at the Chandigarh headquarters and monitoring of all these complaints would be done at the state level.
“So far, the grievances of the people have been resolved by organizing 4 Jan Samvad Programmes in various districts of Haryana. This is the fifth such programme in Hisar. The State Government is committed to resolving the problems of the common people on a priority basis,” said CM Manohar Lal.
A total of 428 grievances were kept before the Chief Minister, related to Irrigation Department, Development and Panchayat, Police, Health, Urban Local Bodies, Public Health, Electricity Corporation and Parivar Pehchan Patra etc. The Chief Minister while giving a patient hearing to the grievances directed the officers concerned to resolve all the grievances in a time-bound manner.
“The government has taken several initiatives to hold direct interaction with the citizens. Jan Samvad programmes are also a part of these initiatives. Ensuring timely delivery of justice to every needy is the utmost priority of the Government,” said the CM.
While listening to a grievance related to the Irrigation Department, CM Manohar Lal Khattar said that attention should be paid towards water conservation. Micro irrigation method also saves water. People should take advantage of the welfare schemes being run by the government for this Micro Irrigation, said the Chief Minister. He directed the officers that eligible people should get the benefits of the schemes in a time-bound manner. Urban Local Bodies Minister Dr. Kamal Gupta, Deputy Speaker, Ranbir Gangwa, MP, Brijendra Singh, MLA, Jogi Ram Sihag, MLA, Vinod Bhyana, Mayor Gautam Sardana, Zilla Parishad Chairman, Sonu Sihag, Divisional Commissioner, Hisar, Geeta Bharti and officers of various departments also remained present on this occasion. Before reaching the Jan Samvad Programme, the Chief Minister did an aerial survey of Maharaja Agrasen Airport. He also inaugurated Lt. Col. Sunder Singh Marg in the city.
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