City councillor Saurabh Joshi expressed gratitude towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi for allocating a grant of Rs 1.15 crore for the pilot project of creating Chandigarh’s first modern food street in Sector-15, as part of the Chandigarh Smart City mission.
Joshi also acknowledged the relentless efforts of Municipal Commissioner and CEO of Chandigarh Smart City Ltd, Anindita Mitra, in bringing the project vision to fruition.

The project, funded by the Government of India under the National Health Mission, received further commendation for the contributions of Chief Engineer and GM of the Smart City Project, N P Sharma. Joshi urged Sharma’s team to expedite the project’s completion, aiming to deliver a smart and rejuvenated market to the sector’s residents. He extended thanks to SE (B&R) Dharmendra Sharma, XEN Ajay Garg, SDO Akil Dhiman, J.E Manoj, and all other team members involved in the project’s execution.

While Commissioner Mitra conceptualized the project, Joshi’s unwavering determination played a crucial role in persuading officials to implement this transformative initiative in one of the city’s busiest sectors.

Joshi expressed his aspiration to elevate Sector-15 into an ultra-modern and aesthetically pleasing locale, highlighting the project’s significance as the initial step towards realizing this vision.

The enthusiastic audience applauded Joshi’s visionary leadership and applauded his efforts in revitalizing the sector.