Haryana Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala on Sunday said Hisar is being developed as an aviation hub and regular air service will begin from the upcoming airport in the city later this year.
“The government is preparing to operate flights to other cities like Jammu, Amritsar, Jaipur, Dehradun, Kullu, Shimla, Dharamsala and Chandigarh in order to increase regional connectivity from Hisar airport,” an official statement quoting Chautala said.
The deputy chief minister said the Haryana government is working on priority to promote the aviation sector. Chautala, who also holds the Civil Aviation portfolio, said the department has spent Rs 1,000 crore for the development of this sector in the state.
Hisar is being developed as an aviation and industrial hub. The runway work at Hisar airport is almost complete and the testing work is expected to be completed at in July, he said. After this, the target is to start the regional air connectivity from Hisar in August or September, he added.